Please use the comment button and tell us how you are going to reduce your plastic waste in 2017. Whether it is taking a reusable cup to get your morning coffee, switching to washable nappies or simply using bars of soaps instead if liquid hand wash, please let us know. xabout-us-jpg-pagespeed-ic-n5-mlvzlmp

Small steps can make a big difference if enough of us give them a go.

29 thoughts on “Pledge here!

  1. Since I’m a big lover of beauty products, I’ll get those salon sized shampoo and conditioners to last me longer. Plus, those can be refilled!


  2. I will try to reduce my use of plastic by bringing lunch to work rather than purchasing from a vendor. Also, will look out for opportunities on a daily basis to see how I can reduce my dependence on plastic. Will be difficult now due to a newborn, but I agree, we need to start making a change,


  3. It is hard with a baby – however I do try to put baby snacks in little pots before going out which saves on buying them (which are in more plastic bags!) when out with him.


  4. I’ll try to remember to take my reusable coffee cup with me, instead of always forgetting – and see if I can work up to more, it’s a tough challenge!


  5. I am going to start taking a reusable cup to the coffee shop, I have one sitting getting dusty in the cupboard! I am also going to aim to buy fresh fruit and veg from the market at least once a week rather than always going to the supermarket. Finally I am going to buy some more Tupperware and reduce the amount of disposable sandwich bags I use for my kids snacks when out and about.


  6. What will I do about my addiction to cling film?! I am thinking seriously about only cooking what we need to eat so there are no leftovers to wrap up. More raw food and less meat too will help. My reusable coffee cup is now permanently in my bag ready to go out with me as well. When you really think about it, it is a real challenge to cut back on plastic let alone stop using it but we will try!


  7. I am going to avoid buying fruit and veg wrapped in plastic and from now on will buy boxed washing powder instead of plastic bottles. I will also actively look for ways to reduce buying plastic whenever doing a shop.


  8. We recently bought a fancy food processor with the aim of cutting down the volume of processed food we eat. This also fits in well with reducing plastic as more food will be bought in raw form. Has started well…must see it through!


    1. Thanks Greg, and congrats on your good news. We use reuseable nappies now and there is a great woman called the nappy lady (you can find her if you google) and she really helped me find the best brands for non leaking!


  9. I LOVE my reusable coffee mug – take it any time I get a coffee. I could do much better remembering to bring my grocery bags from home (although San Francisco has outlawed plastic bags so it’s only paper here). I should also order less from online sources, since they tend to over-pack things. Thanks for setting this up!


  10. Trying not to buy pre-wrapped vegetables from supermarket. Also going to ask the butcher at same market to please not put meat in a plastic bag but just wrap in paper. Using reusable water bottles is another option we are trying are doing. Certainly makes you think about how much `plastic’ you do use.


  11. Great blog Rowena! We’ve switched to laundry detergent in a cardboard box, started getting veg delivered from the local farm, we’re going to start getting fish from the local fish monger too, and meat from the farmers market and butcher (mainly meat free during the week). Also remembering to bring water with us in reusable bottles instead of buying it.


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